Walgreens Coupons & Deals

*HOT* Slim Fast Snack Bars 6 pk Just $1.12!

by Christie- on December 29, 2013

Slimfast Snack bars-3-5w

If your New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight or eat better, you’ll want to grab this high value coupon for $3.75 off (2) Slimfast Products. The meal bars and shakes are shown on the ad for this week on sale for $4.99, but I found the Snack Bars on sale for only $2.99 thru 1/25. The coupon prints with a short expiration date, but you can do this deal now!

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/25)
Buy (2) Slimfast Snack Bars 6pk, $2.99 Sale Price
(1) $3.75 when you buy any (2) Slimfast Products (Ets) (zip 68130)
Total = $1.12 Each or 19¢ per Snack Bar!

Slim fast panorama-7wIf you are interested in the meal bars and shakes, you can do this deal, which is in this week’s ad, however, the labels in-store note the sale price is good thru 1/25.

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/25)
Buy (2) Slimfast Shakes 4pk or Bars 6pk, $4.99 Sale Price
(1) $3.75 when you buy any TWO (2) Slimfast Products (Ets) (zip 68130)
Total = $3.11 Each or 77¢ a Shake or 62¢ a Bar!

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