Great News! Remember that unadvertised deal on DiGiorno Pizza I wrote about earlier this week? We have a new DiGiorno Pizza coupon (zip 75025) that you can print for this deal. You’ll be able to grab DiGiorno Pizzas for as low as $3.25 each.
Now thru 12/29/13 you’ll get a $1 RR when you buy (2), a $2 RR wyb (3) and a $3 RR wyb (4), add in the coupon and the sale this week to get a super deal! This link should pull the coupon right up for you. If it doesn’t be sure to change your zip to 75025 and then come back here and click on the link again. It will pull it up first, saving you time!
Walgreens Deals (thru 12/7)
Buy (4) DiGiorno Pizzas 2/$10
Total = $20
(4) $1 off (1) DIGIORNO RISING CRUST Pizza (zip 75025)
= $16, Get Back $3 Register Reward
= $12 or just $3.25 EACH!
Walgreens Deals (thru 12/7)
Buy (2) DiGiorno Pizzas 2/$10
(2) $1 off (1) DIGIORNO RISING CRUST Pizza (zip 75025)
= $8, Get Back $1 Register Reward
= $7 or just $3.50 EACH!

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
Wow, I purchased 2 pizzas on Sunday but received nothing. Do you know when it started?
Started on Monday 12/2. You missed it by just one day.
But if you eat these might be worth another trip! 
Ahhh. Just my luck. lol Thanks for replying. And I probably will make another trip. hehe
Haaa, I purchased 2 on Sunday too. ROFL! I feel your pain.
Any idea if the thin n crispy are included in the sale? (assuming wags sells these, ha!) I know theres a 1/1 printable for those as well and i’m down to one set of prints since my other laptop is down