Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Kleenex, Puff, Bounty Deals at Walgreens

by Christie Bisbee on July 19, 2013

KleenexIf you need facial tissue, you can grab some good deals at Walgreens this week. The Kleenex 70-75 ct. Kleenex (70 or 80 ct) and Puffs (56, 64 & 96 ct) are on sale for .89¢ each. There are a couple of mainstream coupons for these, but remember to check your binders for the Puffs since PG includes coupons inside some of their products occasionally. I actually found a $1 off any 2 or more puffs in my binder that came in a package of Bounty some time back.

Walgreens Deals (thru 7/20)
Buy (3) Kleenex, 70 or 85 ct, 0.89¢ Sale Price
(1) $0.50/3 Kleenex Facial Tissue, exp. 8/10/13 (SS 07/14/13)
Total $2.17
= 0.72¢ per box!

Buy (3) Puffs, 56, 64 or 96 ct, 0.89¢ Sale Price
(1) $0.25/3, $0.20/3 Puffs Item, exp. 7/31/13 (P&G 07/07/13)
Total as low as $2.42
= as low as 0.81¢ per box!

BountyNow if you need paper towels, the Bounty single rolls are on sale 2/$3. Now these are a little larger than the rolls found in a 6-pk at Walgreens, and they are select-a-size.

I find these so versatile. Sometimes you need a little and sometimes you need a lot. 😉

Buy (2) Bounty Single Rolls, 2/$3 Sale Price
(2) $0.25/1 Bounty Towels or Napkins (P&G 07/07/13 R)
Total $2.50
= $1.25 each

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