Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Biotene Coupons = 24¢ Gum!

by Christie Bisbee on June 19, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-19 at 10.17.34 AMWe have a couple of NEW Biotene Coupons to print today! These are on sale Buy 1, Get 1 50% off this week, which means you can buy Biotene gum for just 24¢ each after the $2.50/2 Biotene coupon! Check it out…

Walgreens Deals (6/16-6/22)
Buy (2) Biotene Dry Mouth Gum 16 ct $1.99 B1G1 50%
Total = $2.98
SAVE $2.50 on any (2) TWO Biotene products
= 24¢ EACH!

We also have a coupon for $1.00 OFF Any Biotene Product that you can use to get the gum for 49¢ each, which is a great price for this product.Here are a couple of other deal ideas for you…

(2) Biotene Mouth Spray $6.79 B1G1 50%
Total = $10.18
SAVE $2.50 on any (2) TWO Biotene products
= $3.84 EACH

(2) Biotene Mouth Rinse $6.99 B1G1 50%
Total = $10.48
SAVE $2.50 on any (2) TWO Biotene products
= $3.99 EACH

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