We can grab a great deal on Right Guard Xtreme today with this new $2 Right Guard® Xtreme coupon! These are regularly priced at $4.49 at my store, so just 24¢ each after the coupon. Grab it FAST because I know this coupon isn’t going to last!
Walgreens Deals (6/16-6/22)
Buy (2) Right Guard Xtreme Deo/Ap $4.49 B1G1 FREE
(2) $2.00 off any ONE (1) Right Guard® Xtreme™ AP/Deo
= 24¢ EACH!

{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }
This couon is also n this weeks redplum
Darn it, I didn’t get one in my RP!
Sure glad I oredered’my coupons on wed
had no problem n their was plenty on the shelf
I got a new computer and no matter what browser I use, I can’t print anything from the Redplum site! arghhhhh Everyone should just use coupons.com!
If your new computer is running windows 8 you might be having issues with the java script, it’s a witch to get it downloaded on the new OS, you need to make sure you are on the desktop app first then open your browser then download, and never just click the ‘app’ button for your browser you have to be in the desktop to make it function correctly. Took me like 2 weeks to fix.
Thanks, Kat, but it’s still plain old windows 7. I’ve heard 8 is giving people all kinds of different problems, so I’m staying put! I think it might be the new antivirus software blocking it.
MY wags refused to let me use a coupon on the free coupon – she said I wasn’t allowed to use coupons on items that I wasn’t purchasing b/c it’s ‘free’. . . when I asked if the policy had changed, she said she didn’t know, shuffled through some paperwork then looked at the coupon again and decided “OH, the coupon says can only be used for items purchased, and well your not purchasing it so you can’t use it b/c this one is free”. Again told her that wasn’t correct – that I had 4 items, and 4 coupons, and her policy states you can use coupons ON B1G1 promotions – which she still refused to let me do. I told her to keep the items. This is the first time I have ever had any problems with this store, but it sure makes you mad when the stores don’t know their own policies!!!
Teresa my WG’s in my town is the same way. They will not take 2 coupons on the b1g1free items even if u show them the store policy stating they will.There register rings up the free one as $0.I don’t even bother with Wg’s. I just price match at WM when I can.
Teresa and Angela – Have either of you contacted Wags corporate customer service on this matter? Phone number should be on the receipt. The store manager (not the shift manager) should get in touch with you in a few days. Good luck. I heard though it’s still up 2 mgr discretion in some of their stores. SMH
You also might speak with district manager, and have a copy of coupon policy with you. I don’t know the store managers realize manufacture coupons are LITERALLY money for the company (in the bank, as my store manager says).
At our store the deodorant is b1 get one free for $2. Used the coupons and got 8 completely free.
Way to go, Sam!!!
I also had a problem with the casier not wanting to take a coupon for the free item. When the computer took it, she said, “oh…i guess it’s okay after all…” From now on I’m printing the coupon policies for each store I go to and bringing them with me.
Used my $2/1 right guard coupon today took 1 but the other had to be put in manually. Does anyone know if its still available to print I can’t find it.
It was on redplum.com. don’t know if it’s still there or not. You can just click on the hyperlink Christie has posted at the top of the page here. It should take you directly to it. If it doesn’t, then it’s gone! It’s also in todays RedPlum flier. You can buy them on line as well. I like mycouponhunter.com. They’re usually batches of 5 coupons (of the same thing) and cheap, like 45 or 50 cents + 48 cents shipping. If you order by tomorrow (Monday), you’ll get them on Saturday, before the sale is over.
I didn’t get it in inserts but I ordered some online but they r for $2/2 which is still pretty good…I also had to order the dial ones