Walgreens Coupons & Deals

*HOT* Walgreens: Updates From The Field $10 Money Maker!

by Christie Bisbee on December 30, 2012

I’ve got a HOT update from the field for you that will make an awesome money maker if you find it! 🙂

Fit Smart Simply Slim: Be sure to be on the lookout for $10 peelies on the Fit Smart Simply Slim supplements! That makes these a $10 Money Maker! Even though the coupon is for $10 and the Register Reward is $10 it printed with no problems for me.

Walgreens Deals
Buy (1) Fit Smart Simply Slim supplements $10
$10 peelie
Total = $0, Get Back $10 Register Reward
= $10 Money Maker!

Brainstrong: I had no issues with the $4 coupon in the Walgreens Vitamins and supplements book for a $4 Money Maker on the Brainstrong. Yay! (You can see the coupon you are looking for HERE).

Holiday Clearance: I still found all the holiday clearance at 50% off, including gift sets. I don’t know if they’ll drop any lower so if you see something you’d want I’d grab it now.

{ 53 comments… read them below or add one }

Mitchell @ Frugal Finders December 30, 2012 at 5:19 pm

I had issues with the Brainstrong coupon today. The cashier scanned the Brainstrong coupon first, but when she started scanning my Quaker coupons, it voided the Brainstrong coupon and said “Coupon no longer matches item in transaction.”

She manually entered it at the end, but I thought it was really weird!


Paula December 30, 2012 at 5:29 pm

Same thing happened at my store. The manager just rang it up seperately
and then it worked She said it was because it is not valid with any other offers????


Ann December 30, 2012 at 10:56 pm

Thought I was the only one with this weird problem.

Cashier scanned two $1/2 Quaker coupons, one $4/1 Brainstrong coupon and they all got deducted correctly because I was monitoring the credit card pin pad as she was scanning them. However, when she gave me the total, I noticed the $4 Brainstrong has disappeared from the monitor. I asked her why and she said she will need to re-ring all the items again. For some reason, she kept having to void the transaction twice after ringing up all the items. The store manager took over. He scanned all the items, then the Quaker coupons and told me “Sorry, the Brainstrong coupon expired yesterday” after he took a quick look at that coupon. I told him the expiration date is 5/1/2013 then he went on to say how this coupon only applies to certain Brainstrong products and the prenatal may not have been part of it. The coupon clearly indicates that it works on ANY Brainstrong product and the prenatal picture can be seen on the coupon itself.

He manually entered in the $4 Brainstrong coupon. I thought it was odd how it all came out to play. If the register deducted all the coupons, why did the $4 coupon voided? I also got something similar to Paula where the manager said the register did not want to accept both Quaker coupons.

Funny how I was not able to find the Brainstrong prenatal at the same place where they had the rest of other vitamins and supplements. When I was standing there looking for the VPX energy shot, guess what I saw on the very top shelf???? Yup, 3 boxes of Brainstrong prenatal with no label on the shelf (as if to distract customers from getting them). Couldn’t find any FitSmart either but I saw a bunch of other weight loss products such as Hydroxycut, SlimFast, I bet they must have placed those FitSmart somewhere else.

Walgreens at 4105 NE 4TH ST. RENTON, WA across from Safeway.


Carol December 31, 2012 at 5:45 am

What is it with couponers that see the hand of evil corporate Walgreens and its employees trying to thwart your good deals? 3 boxes of BrainStrong set up by Walgreens to distract customers from “getting them”? That is paranoid and silly.

Yes, there are Walgreens employees who try to thwart couponers–I call them coupon Nazis–but they do it to your face, not by putting products out of your sight (though some couponers might do that!). If you just ask an employee, they can usually show you where the products are.


Helen December 31, 2012 at 11:33 am

Walgreens uses the top shelf for overstock ad products. A cashier shared this with me on a shopping trip.


dee December 30, 2012 at 5:38 pm

Mine worked just fine


Nicole December 30, 2012 at 5:41 pm

i was able to stack the brainstrong coupons and only pd $3.58 and got the $10 RR


dee December 30, 2012 at 6:05 pm

How? U used both 4?


Kat December 30, 2012 at 6:11 pm

My walgreens actually took all the coupons off, I went there this morning and saw a team member taking them off… I was soo peeved


Karen A December 31, 2012 at 3:28 am

Kat, Walgreens is working hard to stop this- it’s one of the reasonsthey went to balance rewards, because of employees. You should call corporate, ask for a district manager to call you about this IMMEDIATELY.


cristin December 31, 2012 at 9:56 am

my Walgreens did the same thing too!! I was so bummed:(


dee December 30, 2012 at 6:34 pm

Mine prolly did 2 just like they never re stocked meters all month nor their nos they also took all the vit.books down they do thus alot more since points i have 2 drive 20 mins away did last night to get a few vit.books n bought.2 more meters


pam December 30, 2012 at 6:47 pm

Mine took all the coupons off too. I asked why he said you should not be able to use the coupon since they were producing the RR. It would be a $10 MM. I said the coupon pays the store back what’s the problem. They company Put the coupon on box to be used. He would not give me one. 🙁


dee December 30, 2012 at 7:26 pm

I can c y thow cuz for the company their giving the 10rr n the 10 coup company mighta had em take it off just like once their was a sale on razors n when the company realized they had the 4/1 coupon making the razors free (schick hydro) my ba told me the company had wags void the sale


Joe December 30, 2012 at 6:49 pm

All those coupons were gone at my store too, but the shelve was completely stocked.


Jean December 30, 2012 at 7:11 pm

Same story here at two stores in my area. Shelves stocked, all peelies gone.


sarah December 30, 2012 at 7:52 pm

Why would you want to buy this stuff anyways? It probly does not work and the brainstrong I bought it before my kids took one and said they were nasty. Waste of money even if I got rrs!


dee December 30, 2012 at 8:04 pm

Brain strong isnt for kids its for preg woman,i manly wanted weight loss cuz has ras ketones n which i can say work well n redline energy shots used the pre nat vits to pay for those


Ashley December 30, 2012 at 11:58 pm

When they had a MM on the kid’s brainstrong a few months ago I bought some and my 2 1/2 year old begged for them every morning. I was shocked b/c I’d read a lot of people saying their kids hated them, but my daughter is beyond fussy and loved them. So some kids do like them and they have nutritional value.


Karen A December 31, 2012 at 3:29 am

Brainstrong is also for kids- and some kids love them. Its a money maker- thats reason enough to get them,!


Meekin December 30, 2012 at 7:57 pm

Went 2 every Walgreen’s close to me and far from me and i couldn’t for the life of me find a $10 Coupon off 🙁 So sad they where peeled off though so i know they where there 🙂 Sad Story i did however make $16 but probably spent more on Gas. I did snag 2 Rihanna gift sets for $10 Each So i guess it was alright


Becky December 30, 2012 at 7:58 pm

Yep all had the peelies removed at my store to!


Brittany December 30, 2012 at 8:27 pm

I was able to find four with peelies. 3 were at one walgreens and there was 1 at another walgreens. I’m lucky to have so many close to me!


Nicole December 30, 2012 at 9:25 pm

I was at my Walgreen’s and very surprised to see that there were no peelies on any of them. I figured someone peeled them off!!!!!!!!!


tabitha December 30, 2012 at 10:42 pm

There were peelies on the boxes that were not on sale so I got 6 of those and it worked out. 120.00 worth of stuff for 6.22


sandra December 31, 2012 at 2:30 am

Same here @tampa, fl….all peelies gone and we went to 3 different walgreens hmmmmmm.


stacia December 31, 2012 at 8:46 am

my store didn’t get any in. she said to check back on Thursday after truck comes in. brainstrong worked fine for me, as did the quaker coupons.


Tracy December 31, 2012 at 9:13 am

In doing some reserach, Wholefoods sells this product too. In additon I found that smaller healthfood stores also sell it.


Karen December 31, 2012 at 9:46 am

To all of you people who have blamed Walgreens employees for stealing the coupons off items your are very rude. As Walgreens employees we can be written up and or fired for this.


Nicole December 31, 2012 at 11:25 am

If the shoe fits wear it, there’s no way that this product was fully stocked at my store and not one of them had a $10 peelie on them….I’ve worked retail so I know employees do things like that! It sounds each of these stores are running by their own policy instead of a single policy.


Jane December 31, 2012 at 11:29 am

Karen I don’t think it’s rude when people are actually seeing them do it with their own eyes and when the cashier tells them they can’t use them…..rumor is one thing but when they actually do it right in front of you…….

Cashiers and managers do things all the time that’s against Walgreens policy…just ask all the people who’ve been told they can’t use a $1.00 coupon on a .99 item!!

It’s because Walgreens does not train their employees on their coupon policy and managers/cashiers don’t take the initiative to read it.

This leads to mamagers/cashiers to make up their own rules and pass it on as fact.

Taking the $10 coupons off the product in no way costs Walgreens money. The manufacturer reimburses them for the $10 so whether or not they use it should make no difference to Walgreens as far as their bottom line goes.

The only thing I can think of is misinformation being given that this somehow causes Walgreens to lose money OR they feel like with the $10 coupon it encourages people to take more than their share (and unfortunately it will cause some to be piggies) so they take them off OR it may cause the catalina machine to print way more RR than their budget allows for the month (the better the deal, the more people will buy and those RR come out of Walgreens pocket).


Hanny D December 31, 2012 at 2:37 pm

Those RR do not come out of Wag’s pockets.They get reimbursed for those by the manufacturer, same with CVS’s ecbs promotions.


grace December 31, 2012 at 6:10 pm

same with Rite Aid ups! The cashier did tell me one time


Victoria December 31, 2012 at 12:16 pm

Sorry, Karen, but you don’t know what you’re talking about here. I asked my cashier about the $10 peelies, and she said very matter-of-factly, that 2 managers took them all off that morning. Managers!


Kat December 31, 2012 at 2:26 pm

I actually watched the employee take the coupons off the box and throw them away while she was putting up sales signs.


julene December 31, 2012 at 12:48 pm

Don’t know where to ask this so I thought I bring it up on this live thread. Do any of you have problems with javascript. My husband doesn’t want to download it because he heard a computer wiz on radio say to take uninstall if you have it or to uninstall it if you have because it’s a big virus risk. I can’t print coupons from smartsource and a few others places because of the advice he got! And I can’t figure out how to download it either because of firewalls he has installed. Ha. Do you couponers have any concerns about javascript? Thanks so much.


Lindsay S January 3, 2013 at 7:13 pm

I saw this and asked my husband because he has his masters degree in Management of Information Systems with an emphasis in internet security and is the deputy manager for a major IT contractor. He wouldn’t have let me install it on our computers if he didn’t think it was safe, so in my opinion you shouldn’t have any trouble with it. Assuming all of your other virus protection is up to date. Hope that helps a little.


corey December 31, 2012 at 2:29 pm

after going to 4 Walgreens stores and calling 4 more I finally found a store that had 5 bottles of the smartfit I drove 45 minutes to get to the store went and picked up 5 packs of prenatal vitamins and then went to check out. First they rang up the vitamins and wouldn’t take the $4.00 of coupon and then they rang up the smartfit and wouldn’t take the $10 off coupon. They informed me that you can not use any type of coupon on any sale item or RR item, I told them they were wrong but they wouldn’t listen. I ended up buying the items without coupons, called corporate and complained, then drove 45 minutes to my usual Walgreens and returned all the items and repurchased them with my coupons. It was a lot of headache and a lot of work but it ended up with me getting $466 worth of items for $87 with enough points left over for $50 off and can send in for $30 in rebates so basically got it all for $7 which is a big win for me and totally worth the craziness I had to go through to do it


Carol December 31, 2012 at 7:33 pm

I wonder if there is not something to the idea that you should not be allowed to use a manufacturer coupon on a RR deal. What others have said is true, the RR’s are paid for the manufacturer, but the coupon you are giving the cashier also gets put back and paid for by the manufacturer–so the MMs are all at the ultimately at the expense of the manufacturers.

It simply cannot be a coincidence that so many found all the peelies removed (in stores all over the country)–I bet it didn’t as initiative from the evil Walgreens managers (seriously people, these people are not looking to thwart you or to make work for themselves), could this be a straw in the wind about a change to Walgreens RR policy–probably at the insistence of the manufacturers–gosh I hope that is wrong. Christie, what do you think?


corey January 1, 2013 at 12:26 am

When i called corporate and complained aboutthe store saying i couldn’t use the coupons they said there was nothing in their policy that would prevent it and the store was wrong for not taking them. They are the ones that suggested i go to another store to return then and buy again with coupons. Hopefully this means there isn’t a change in policy that is happening


dee December 31, 2012 at 3:28 pm

Wow went again today had plenty of pre nat so picked.up 3 boxs each n 3 energy shots.no coups on r weightloss but i still think its a great deal


I don't shop @ Walmart January 1, 2013 at 8:13 pm

Our store in Wash allows only one RR item per person 🙁


lois December 31, 2012 at 5:57 pm

i went to mine no coupons on the diet pills but i did alot of transactions, my cashier was really good about watching all the coupons and never complained. i spent $15.00 and have $16.00 in RR. i got 6 bottles of prenatal vit, 5 diet pills, 2 energy drinks, 2 starburst just so i would be able to use my coupons and RR in the transaction, a case of pepsi and a bag of doritos. i checked every bottle of diet pills and none even looked like they ever had a peely, maybe they are to old, i cleared one spot maybe new ones will be put out.


Kristin December 31, 2012 at 9:31 pm

The Vaseline lotion that’s B1G1 50% off actually rang up as B1G1 Free. I got two 20.3 oz bottles w/free Vaseline Lip Therapy tubs for $3.29. . .$6.29-$3.00(2 $1.50 MQ’s)=$3.29. Just to see if it wasn’t a fluke, I bought 4 more different kinds w/coupons and it still rang up B1G1 Free. DId anyone else have this sale at their Walgreens?


Melissa B. December 31, 2012 at 10:26 pm

I found several bottles of the diet pills, and ALL of them had the peelies removed! ALL of them. I could see that they used to be there. I am very sad to see that someone removed all of these. I can only guess that there had to be a memo or something telling the mgrs to do this. I think it’s cheating on their part! Oh, and I live in NW Florida.


Carol January 1, 2013 at 3:33 am

How is this cheating on their part? You just didn’t get the absurdly great deal you think you are entitled to? The deal you are already getting is the product for free in the form of a RR, why should you get paid an additional 10 to take the product from their store? As mentioned above, I think these changes are coming from the product suppliers, not Walgreens, because it is ultimately the suppliers who bear the cost of both coupons and RRs.

Walgreens does have to answer to suppliers for the way they handle register rewards as Walgreens found out in a lawsuit not too long ago. And maybe Walgreens suppliers have finally gotten hip to the idea that they shouldn’t have to pay us $10 to take their product from the store, and they are pushing Walgreens to stop it. Just speculation at this point, but the actions over the past week make me think something is up.


Jonette December 31, 2012 at 11:00 pm

No problems here, $4 pre nat coupon worked and I lucked up at had the $10 peelies in my store… everything worked perfectally..


Deb December 31, 2012 at 11:02 pm

Maybe some of the extreme couponers took all the coupons.I dont think employees or managers are gonna sell them on ebay I mean really do you need 10 boxes of prenatal vitimans or 10 boxes of diet pills? Gonna be pregnant and thin for years These items have expiration dates


dealgirl January 3, 2013 at 3:26 am

I’m not an extreme couponer and don’t agree with many of their tactics. However, I did want to mention that the prenatal vitamins are only a 30-day supply. Women are pregnant for 9 months, and if they plan to breastfeed they need to continue taking them after the 9 months. 1 box only lasts a month, so getting multiples really isn’t that extreme at all when put into perspective.


Angie January 1, 2013 at 9:45 am

I’m not saying who took the stickers off the boxes, but they were off at one of the stores in Ft. Smith, AR.


Tracy January 1, 2013 at 10:34 am

On the Prenatal vitamin moneymaker, i’ve been getting the Real Soft & Strong Paper Towels, IVC in the Jan savings booklet. they are a perfect $4 after $1 ivc q. no filler needed.


bob January 2, 2013 at 1:43 am

I just want to point out that each walgreen is different. the peelies (from fit smart) could be taken off by the employees, managers, or even the extreme couponer and if you are lucky enough to find them, then you have to see if they will accept them. I even read that some bundle items they have, they would break apart and sale as individual pieces to make more money off the customer even though they are not suppose to open any package. I also read that some stores would run the machine to get many RR to get reimburse even though they were duplicates (as much as a million dollars of fake RR). Walgreen is at fault for not cheating or stealing (because the employees and the managers is responsible for their action) but lack of proper training and not monitoring their employees activity but in fact tell them (or let suppliers tell them) to do immoral things that end up hurting their reputation in the long run.


Wendy January 2, 2013 at 12:35 pm

Had a great trip at my Walgreens in South OC CA last night… Plenty of prenatal vitamins and diet pills in stock. No peelies but it didn’t look like they were on the boxes to begin with… Found lots of 6pk of Duracell batteries on clearance for $2, used a $2/1 mq from December P&G insert which made them free 🙂 When I checked out I used points to pay but I still earned points! Weird… Didn’t think I could do that. Been shopping ALOT less at Walgreens since the new confusing points system but have to say my trip last night went very well 🙂


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