Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Hillshire Farm Grilled Chicken Breast Only $1.49 Each Thru Saturday! (Reg. $3.99)

by Christie- on September 24, 2012

All week long you’ll find the Hillshire Farm Grilled Chicken Breast 2pks on sale for just $2.99 – Regularly $3.99! Plus, we have a couple coupons available to use that will bring the price down to only $1.49 each. This deal is only valid through the 29th so stock up while you can! 😉

Walgreens Deals
Buy (2) Hillshire Farm Grilled Chicken Breast 2pk $2.99
(1) $1/1 Hillshire Farm Grilled Essentials
AND use…
(1) $0.50/1 Hillshire Farm Grilled Essentials 7oz September Walgreens Coupon Book
TOTAL = $1.49!

(Thanks for the coupon, Printable Coupon and Deals!)

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

lisa September 25, 2012 at 12:45 am

These are the best thing for a quick and easy lunch. They taste great and you can’t beat this price. Thanks


Samantha September 26, 2012 at 10:59 pm

Printable is NLA 🙁


Jill September 27, 2012 at 12:02 am

These are sooo easy to make and have 20 grams of protein!! I’m stocking up!! These are $4.99 at my local grocery store!!


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