There are some more great Walgreens Back to School deals going on this week. There aren’t coupons available that I am aware of however, some of the prices are so good you don’t even need one! Savings Tip: You can always use any extra Register Rewards you might have on hand towards these items.
Wexford Highlighters $.19 (W/ in ad Q)
Wexford or Penway Mini Memo or Composition Book 50 or 80 Sheets 5/$1 (W/ in ad Q)
Wexford or Penway Cap Erasers 15pk or Pink Erasers 2pk $.29 (W/ in ad Q)
School Supplies Box Clear Color Plastic $.69 (W/ in ad Q)
Sharpie Marker, Wexford or Corner Office 5-Tab Divider, Sheet Protectors 10pk, Wexford Sticky Notes 280pk, Portfolio 2-Pocket, School Glue 4oz or Jumbo Glue Stick $.39
Fiskars Kids Scissors Blunt or Pointed 5 Inch $.99
Wedford or Penway 6-Subject Notebook 180 Sheets, Graph Planning Pad 2-Pack 100 Sheets or Composition Book 3-Subject 120 Sheets $1.49
Paper Mate Profile 4pk or 300 RT 8pk $1.99
Wexford Retractable Gel Pens 10pk or Mechanical Pencils 30pk $2.99
Texas Instruments Scientific Calculator TI-30XA $9.99
Urban Sport, Tech Gear, Anchorage or Licensed Backpacks B1 @ $19.99 G1 FREE

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Last week I tried buying 3 pencil sharpeners and paying with register rewards and th cashier told me I couldn’t use it because they were $.39 each & my RR was $1 and I can no longer use filler items in my transaction that are worth less then the item I am trying to pay.