Here are my latest clearance finds on household and grocery. I was really happy to find the Bounty Basics 6 packs at $3.49. After the coupon and Checkout, each roll was just 41¢. The Persil Detergent is on sale this week for $5.99, but I found it for $4.79.
Walgreens Clearance Deals
Buy (2) All Free & Clear Oxi Detergent, $3.19 Clearance Price
(1) $2/2 All or Snuggle, exp. 2/4/17 (RP 01/01/17)
OR (2) 50¢/1 all Product
Total = $4.38, Get Back 100 Everyday Points
= $2.14 each
Buy (1) Bounty Basic 6ct, $3.49 Clearance Price
(1) 50¢ OFF ONE Bounty Basic Paper Towels (ets)
Total = $2.99, Get Back 30 Everyday Points + 50¢/1 Bounty 6 rolls+ Checkout 51 deposit thru 2/1
= $2.46
Buy (1) Persil Detergents 25 loads, $4.79 Clearance Price
(1) $1/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, exp. 2/19/17 (RP 01/22/17) [ETS]
Total = $3.79, Get Back 40 Everyday Points
= $3.75
There are no coupons that I know of for the Hunt’s Sauce or the Van Camp’s, but these are great at 49¢ and 69¢. Plus, these make excellent fillers, so be sure to take a stroll down the grocery aisle before heading to the cash register.

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Schnuck’s has their brand of tomato sauce 3/$1.
Found All Detergent for $1.69. Saw a big shelf. Went home and got coupons. Went back, There were still 8 on the shelf. I got the Beauty Consultant to see and gave her 2 coupons so she could get 4 and I took 4. Saw the lady that took 6 before I got back. Gave her coupons for hers too! Fun shopping! I used 2000 points and paid .99 for 4 bottles!
Oh nice!
I’ll have to look out for those.