Walgreens Coupons & Deals

GoodNites for $1.21!

by Christie Bisbee on August 4, 2010

Here’s another clearance deal I found! GoodNites Boxers in different sizes for just $3.19. After the Friends & Family discount that will come out to be $2.71 before any coupons! Use a $1.50/1 GoodNites Underwear and pay just $1.21 for each package.

1 – GoodNites Boxers $3.19 (After F&F $2.71)
1 – $1.50/1 GoodNites PRINT (90210 look under household) or PRINT
Total = $1.69 or $1.21 after Friends & Family!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Sara August 4, 2010 at 3:41 pm

I picked these up at my Walgreens today. I had two $2.50/1 coupons from a while ago, so got two packages, and after F&F discount only paid $0.21 per package! I will probaby donate these since my son is still an infant. Too good to pass up! Also bought 4 packages of pampers and 4 wipes. Used 4 $1.50/1 diaper coupons and 4 free wipes coupons. Bought 2 Visines, with $2 in ad coupon, $2 coupon book, and 2 $1 printables. For all of this I paid $27.20 after F&F discount and got $5 RR. So $20 for all those diapers is a great deal! Thanks for all your great deals on this blog. I visit daily!!


Amy August 4, 2010 at 10:58 pm

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the postings you did in conjunction with Friends and Family this week. I have never spent so much at Wags in 2 days (11 bags of dog food for starters), but I’ve never saved so much either. I didn’t take the time to roll RRs and do separate transactions, but I’m excited about another 1st for me…..$44 in accumulated RRs! 🙂 I’m sure I’ll be back for more razors (still have coupons) or contact solution (found one with a peelie tonight) before the week is out! 🙂 Hoping my store will catch the cheap Pull Ups and Goodnights fever as well before week’s end. Thanks again for everything.


Christie August 5, 2010 at 12:54 am

Amy – I’m SOOOO happy to hear that! 🙂


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