I’m happy to report that the Tide with bleach powder is included in the P&G Register Reward Deal. There is a $2/1 coupon available for this one thru 8/31.
If you are a Tide fan here’s a scenario for you that doesn’t use more than (4) of the same coupon in the transaction where you can grab Tide for just $2.20 each.
Buy (4) Tide with Bleach $6
(1) Tide Liquid $6
Total = $30
(4) – $2/1 Tide or Gain Powder Detergent, any – 07-17-11 SS x8/31
(1) – $1/1 Tide Detergent, any – 07-31-11 PG x8/31
Total = $21, Get Back $10 Register Reward
= $2.20 EACH – An AWESOME price for Tide!

{ 38 comments… read them below or add one }
Ooh I like it! I have a quick Q:
When there is a spend X get X register reward (such as this ) is your amount you have to spend before or after coupons? I was under the impression it had to hit 30 (in this example) AFTER coupons. I hope I am wrong!!
I love this site! I feel like I live at Wag…
At my Wags in southern Louisiana, it has to be X amount after coupons. Like this deal, at my Wags, the total would have to be at least $30 of P&G products AFTER coupons to get the $10 RR. I was burned twice before by not spending enough, I’ve just given up on the RR deals like this where you have to spend X amount of money, and just go for the ones where it goes by # of items purchased.
it doesn’t differ by Walgreens. 30 before coupons.
The total must be $X BEFORE coupons… The total in the above transaction is $30 before and $21 after.. then get $10RR
I did something like this Sunday. I bought 3 tides @ $6 and 3 cascade powders @ $4, for a total of $30. I used 3 $2/1 Tide and 3 $1/1 cascade…paid $21 and received the $10. So you definitely can hit that mark pre-coupon.
There is a fine line between a great deal and a so-so deal. Haha, I wouldn’t be as excited if I had to hit 30 after coupons.
I am too much of a baby to return items that didnt produce the RR too. The managers at my WAG (who have to do the returns) act like the 4 minutes you are adding to their day is going to ruin it. Most of the checkers are great–just be prepared to feel like scum of the earth if you mess up! LOL.
I’m really sensitive to that too Lindsey. I start out not wanting to trouble anyone with too many transactions. But then when I’ve made a mistake I hate having to go to the manager/photo to get it resolved.
Quick question….was there a limit of 4 like item coupons for this deal or is that a new wags thing? I was thinking about doing this again with my remaining Tide coupon and getting 6 Cascades (if I can find them) to get to $30. But now I’m wondering if there’s a restricting on this deal?
Its a P&G thing they changed their coupons 3-4 (???) months ago. In the small print on the bottom.
Restriction is on P&G Qs – no more than 4 of the same in 1 transaction.
I have never had an issue with it being after coupon price I do for the P&G all the time …. The problem I think most people are having is either a your math might be just a few pennies off it can’t be $29.99 it has to be $30 or more even just a few pennies makes a difference or another thing is that you might be trying to include something not invcluded with the sale – P&G is very particular about which items are included even as far as they might allow old spice fiji in the sale but not old spice fresh
Will this work on the regular Tide powder? I don’t want the bleach.
regular worked for me and I’m sure that the downy and febreze varieties work too.
Yes all tide work for this deal, I got a ton of the Tide. I got regular, bleach, febreeze, downy…
Also don’t forget same thing going on at CVS, you just get a $10 gas card instead of 10RR
Can you clarify.. qualify for cat with 30$ before or after q’s? Very confusing.. I see some ppl did.. and some ppl didn’t.. I even spoke to customer service and they said you can’t? Conflicting information confuses me..lol..
I did the P&G deal Sunday. I hit exactly $30 before coupons. Something like two Cascade, two Gain and two Tide. (All liquids because the Tide powder wasn’t HE.) I also ran my AARP card to get the $5/$20 RR for this month. OOP $23 and I have $15 RR or about a nickle a load for dishes and laundry. (5 $1 mq plus a $2 Tide q I got in the mail.)
Should be before MQ but after Wags Qs. I think the biggest problem is that things that look like they should be included aren’t.
Hi Christie: I LOVE, LOVE your site and now that you have your new one, I think right now it is easy to do this deal at CVS. Buy 5 x 5.94 = $29.70 (just with that amount the $10 dlls. gas it’s printing) less $10 (5 cps. $2/1) I did it along with the St. Joseph aspirin MM, and mentally apply the $1 to the tide. It’s like paying $1.74 ea. and the boxes there are 56 oz (40 loads). I bought 3 in 1 store & 2 on another. HTH
Bought 3 pantene ($18), 2 Tide ($12) and 1 Gain ($5). Used $23.97 in coupons and RRs…did not get the $10 RR. I was on lunch, so I didn’t have time to figure out if I went wrong, but I don’t think I did.
the RR might have affected it if it is considered a Wag coupon
The RR I used was for Dove, not a P&G product. He couldn’t get it to scan, so he typed it in, and I don’t know what he did, but maybe that’s the case. Would you return the stuff and rering it, or call Catalina?
I’ve done this twice and am going back again. The cashier insisted that I had to have 30.00 AFTER coupons but I insisted that she hit subtotal first BEFORE deducting my coupons and it worked out fine
It seems that I read somewhere that if your items are subtotaled BEFORE deducting coupons the RR will print. This is an awesome deal if you use TIDE. It is my fav detergent and to get it at a little over $2.00 makes me VERY happy
so I am definitely stocking up.
Thank You for this tip Penny! I have done a couple transactions where buy $X get $X RR and I have never received the RR for these. I tried the Revlon deal twice last week and did not get my RR. This is definitely worth a try!
I’ve been on here way to long and am a NEWBIE to this. WHERE do I find the TIDE coupons?? I’ve been to the black hole of the web and back looking. lol. Thanks for the assistance.
The tide coupons are in the newspaper inserts.
The Tide coupons were in the papers a while back (the $2.00 of any) and expire today. HTH
Hey fellow couponers! I need advice. What is a trusted site to order whole inserts? I’m in Houston tx. I wasn’t able to buy newspapers this weekend! Sorry I did not know where to post this question
Hi JC: Sunday coupon inserts it’s a good one, but it takes about 4 business days,(I live at Austin) and its $5 dlls postage. Check at the gas station’s little stores they use to sell sunday’s newspapers later on the week. HTH
I have also used Sunday Coupon Inserts as well, took 3 days to get mine (I live in MA) but the prices are decent and if you can go in with someone and get a larger package, that would make your costs less. Good Luck!
How many loads for Tide? By the way, I sent you an email last Monday about $30 PG deal, have not heard back. Hope to get your reply soon. Thank you
Hi Edith – just responded to your e-mail. I get about 300+ e-mails a day so I do my best to get through them but needless to say it takes me a while! LOL.
That’s ok Thank you very much.. Appreciated it.. Love your site.. One of my fav sites
Just want to let you know that TIDE is better price with CVS GAS Promotion deal this week but MUST do the deal before or on 08/31/11 due expiration coupon.
(4) Tide liquid 32 Load $5.94 total = $23.76
(2) Visine Original eye drop $4.59 B1G1 50% total = $6.88
Total before coupon $30.64
Use (2) $3/1 Any Print Visine product
Use (4) $2/1 Tide/Gain powder detergent SS insert 07/17/11 exp08/30/11
(I know the coupon says for the powder but it works for liquid too, my CVS did not have powder detergent)
Pay Out of pocket $16.64 plus tax get $10 Gas Rewards
Its like pay only $6.64 for all product or $1.10 each!
Correction: the TIDE coupon expired 08/31/11
Yep – today is the last day for a great deal on Tide!
I did this last Sunday. I got the Tide with Fabreeze and Tide with downy. I had ECB, so I ended up paying a little over $4 for all.
I have a question not directly related to the Tide deal.
I have two $10 Renew RRs expiring today from the Omega SuperKrill deal a few weeks ago.
Am I correct that I won’t be able to use those two RRs in the same transaction, because there was probably a limit of 1 on that deal? Or can I use the RRs together, if it’s on something altogether different, now that I have them?
the $2/1 Tide is working for the liquid too I know the coupon says for powder detergent but I tried to use it on liquid detergent and it works!