Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Ester-C Supplements 4¢ Per Tablet!

by Christie- on August 6, 2014


Check out the deal you can do this week on Ester-C. I love having these at home for when I start to feel a cold coming on. Ester-C is on sale B1G1 Free. The 60 ct starts at $9.99. We have a high value coupon available to print,  SAVE $3.00 on ANY Ester-C® Tablet. Don’t delay printing this coupon since Redplum coupons don’t last very long.

You’ll pay just 4¢ per tablet for the 500 mg. If you take the 1000 mg, then you’ll pay just 7¢ per tablet.

Walgreens Deals (thru 8/9)
Buy (2) Ester-C 500 mg, 90 ct, $9.99 B1G1 Free
(1) SAVE $3.00 on ANY Ester-C® Tablet
Total = $6.99
= Just $3.50 EACH or 4¢ per tablet!

Buy (2) Ester-C 1000 mg, 90 ct, $15.99 B1G1 Free
(1) SAVE $3.00 on ANY Ester-C® Tablet
Total = $12.99
= Just $6.50 EACH or 7¢ per tablet!

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