Walgreens Coupons & Deals

NEW Campbell’s Coupon = Cheap Soup!

by Christie Bisbee on September 29, 2011

WOO HOO! There is a new coupon for Campbell’s soups! I’m excited to see it includes the Tomato soup (my favorite!) and the Chicken Noodle because often times the lower priced soups are excluded. These will be on sale starting 10/9 for just $.69 each with the in ad coupon, so just $.56 each!

-$.40/3 Campbell’s Condensed Soups (exc. Great for Cooking soups)

Buy (3) Campbell’s Tomato or Chicken Noodle soup $.69 (w/ in ad coup0n)
-$.40/3 Campbell’s Condensed Soups (exc. Great for Cooking soups)
Total = $.56 EACH!

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