Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Good Deal on Osteo Bi-Flex

by Christie Bisbee on January 27, 2011

You can get a really good deal on Osteo Bi-Flex with the B1G1 free sale and the $7/1 coupon that came out this past Sunday. This is an EXCELLENT price for these.

Usually the coupons for these are in the $3 or $4 range, it’s unusual to have such a high value coupon. Osteo Bi-Flex will also be B1G1 free next week, so you have a while to get these.

2 – Osteo Bi Flex 30ct $19.99 B1G1 FREE
(2) $7/1 Osteo Bi-Flex Caplet, Softgel, Powder, Any (Exc. Liquids) 01-23-11 RP x3/8
TOTAL = $5.99 or $3 EACH!

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donna January 27, 2011 at 10:30 am

Boooo…..didn’t get this coupon in my RP 🙁


Christie January 27, 2011 at 11:58 am

Donna – If it’s something you use (I do, for an old dance injury like 10 years ago to my knee) I suggest ordering coupons from My Coupon Hunter. I checked and she has them in stock. 🙂


donna January 27, 2011 at 1:40 pm

Thanks Christie. I will check it out. Yes it is something my hub and I both use…suggested by docs for good long-term joint health, as well as a couple of old injuries. I got several free bottles of joint juice a couple of weeks ago, but that doesn’t last long with two people taking it!!
Thanks again for all your great info!


Bill February 2, 2011 at 2:03 pm

Haven’t tried it yet, but in the vitamin coupon book at walgreens there is a $3.00 coupon on these….. so should end up getting these virtually free with the stack


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