We have a new $5.00 off H&R Block Tax Software coupon available to print today. This is great for those of you who want to do your own taxes and need more than the basic tax service. If you have many investments, a business, a rental property or any other more involved tax situation, this may work perfectly for you!
If you don’t have a complicated tax situation, you can save your money and your ink and file your taxes online for FREE with H&R Block’s FREE Edition.
You’ll get free tax prep, free printing and free e-file, free in-person audit support, free unlimited advice from a tax expert, and 100% accuracy and maximum refund – guaranteed. Plus you’ll get your refund faster.
Plus, if you choose to receive all or part of your federal refund in e-gift cards from retailers like Target, Amazon.com and others, H&R Block will add up to a 10% bonus, just for choosing H&R Block. Just go HERE to check it out.

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