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Free American Baby Magazine & Coupons!

by Christie Bisbee on August 6, 2013

American Baby Magazine

Have a little one or are planning on having a baby soon? Or maybe you have a friend who is pregnant or just gave birth. If you do here’s a deal you’ll love! You can get American Baby Magazine for FREE.

Just scroll down until you see the FREE American Baby magazine offer. If you have subscriptions that have run out you can also resubscribe for free.

Plus these magazines sometimes come with coupons inside or send you special baby mailers (like the Walgreens Infant Care booklet). These magazines also have all the information expectant and new parents need for those crucial first years. Here are the coupons in my American Baby Magazine this month.

$2/1 Dermarest Product, Any (x10/31/13)
$1/1 MAM Anti-Colic Bottle (x12/31/13)
$2/1 Dr. Smith’s Diaper Rash Ointment, Any (x12/31/13)
$1/1 Post Sesame Street Cereal (x9/30/13)
$1/1 Uristat Product, Any (x11/30/13)
15% Baby Depot Regular Price Item (x10/31/13)
$20 off $75+ Thyme Maternity Purchase (x11/30/13)

Some American Baby Subscribers also got these coupons in theirs…
$2 off 20+ct Huggies diapers TARGET (x9/30/13)
$0.50 off 56+ct Huggies wipes TARGET (x9/30/13)
$3 off Lansinoh Feeding Bottle 1 or 2ct (x11/30/13)

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

haley mikels October 13, 2013 at 3:02 pm

How long after I do my subscription til I receive my first issue?


Dayni May 19, 2014 at 3:57 pm

Hi I just want to know about the magazine


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