Walgreens Coupons & Deals

*REMINDER* 25 FREE Prints at Walgreens!

by Christie Bisbee on December 29, 2011

Remember, you can get 25 FREE prints from Walgreens thru 12/31! Just use the coupon code PRINTNOW at checkout. Plus you can select in store pick up to avoid any shipping costs. You can also use your order as a filler if you are paying with Register Rewards! 🙂

Just add 25 prints to your cart which will be $4.75. When you use the code PRINTNOW, it’ll bring it down to $0.00. This is a great opportunity to get some nice pictures from the holidays!

Plus if you make any other purchases you can get 8% cash back from ShopAtHome.com and if you are new to ShopAtHome.com you’ll get $5 in your account if you make a purchase within 30 days of signing up.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

chris December 29, 2011 at 11:11 am

Anyone know if I can pick up these and the Vanity Fair coupon for 25 prints at the same time? I ordered this w/the code but would like to get my Vanity Fair coupon ones before they expire too. THANKS


Guest December 29, 2011 at 9:25 pm

The code will probably not work in the same “cart” online. I’d submit one, then just do another, and it should then work.


Jennifer December 29, 2011 at 2:11 pm

Can anyone tell me if this offer is good in store? I can’t put any pictures on my computer, so I can’t order online. 🙁 Thanks.


Guest December 29, 2011 at 9:25 pm

Online only.


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