Good News! The Up2U gum coupon from the October coupon book seems to now be working! You can stack that with the new $1/1 manufacturers coupon to grab FREE gum!
Buy (2) Up2U Gum $1.49 Each
Total = $2.98
(2) -$1/1 Up2U Pack, Any 10-09-11 SS x12/31
(1) -$1/2 Mentos Up 2 U Gum, 14 pieces (5486) Walgreens Coupon October Book
If you purchase only the gum, each $1/1 coupon will need to be adjusted down by $.01. If you purchase it with something else, (as always) just be sure to give the MQ first.

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Good Morning Christy
I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work you do. You’ve made shopping for everyday stuff fun. I really appreciate all your hard work, time and effort. (And my children appreciate all the candy we have now!)
Holly in Indiana
Thanks so much Holly! You really made my day.
Yay more free gum!
I just got 12 free packs of Orbit yesterday and have a bunch of free gum to get at Target. Do I really *need* this?
sure you Ashley, LOL I am actually using mine for my CNA’s at the nursing home I work at. i keep a bowl at my desk filled with various free gum/candy. So when they come by I ask about the residents and visit with my girls. they work hard and deserve a treat, just as we do. Go get that free gum Ashley and enjoy it!!!
Thanks, Christie, for all your work. Because of you, shopping at Wag’s is much less confusing and way more fun and cheap! I rarely bought gum & candy before I learned about couponing.
Thanks, Christie! I’m so excited to try this. Question, though, regarding hand mq first so the register doesn’t beep. I did the free deodorant deal yesterday and also bought a bag of cough drops. I handed over the mq, it went through, and then with the wq, it said “Coupon no longer matches item in purchase” and it undid the mq. (Had to manually fixed by a manager.) Anything I can do to avoid this?
This exact same thing happened to me today! These new registers are not going to be good for us or the Walgreens employees.
They TOTALLY should then adjust the coupon down, based on their own policy.
We have new scanners at my store – although not new credit card swipers and it worked for me. I think maybe they are changing the registers in pieces or something. I do hate the new scanners. They beep at everything. I usually end up folding the coupon in 1/2 and handing it back to them.
Thanks for the heads up! Speaking of overages, my mom was telling me that she was waiting in line to check out and apparently someone had an overage and the cashier, unsure of what to do, announced over the speaker ” I have an ovary at the front register!” Lol
Good Afternoon,
Help Please?
ok. I went to Walgreen to purchase 2 packs of the UP2U gum today. I had 2 manufactur coupons for $1 off each pack. I also used the $1 off 2 packs in the Walgreens coupon booklet. The cashier stated the register would only take off $2.50 instead of $3. Therefore, I had to pay .54. What did I do incorrect and what do I need to do in the future to prevent this? I am new to couponing and want to become better. Thanks for the feedback.
Brenetta, you have to give the cashier the manuf coupons first, then the Walgreens one. This particular coupon has been given problems since 2 weeks ago or so, when the gum was on sale for .99 a pack. At my store, they had to adjust the price to reflect the Walgreens coupon because it never worked. As a matter of fact, I went today, and it still didn’t work. He manager had to adjust the amount again. Hope this helps!!
Yes. Thanks Carmen. The cashier did scan the manufac. coupon first,$2 was deducted. However, .50 instead of $1 for the coupon in booklet. I am happy to know I did not do anything wrong. I am not going to allow this to discourage me. Thanks again!
URGh! I had my daughter with me so I was distracted and now I get home and notice the WAGS coupon didn’t go through and I was charged 1.98 for the two packs instead of getting them for free.
Woohoo more free gum!!! I’m going to attach little notes to the gum for my daughter’s teacher & support staff throughout the year.
I just scored two packs of Up2U gums and two boxes of Tic Tacs for $2.31. I used the MQ $1.00/2 for the gum plus the Q out of the October Walgreen’s book and (1) MQ for $1.00/2 Tic Tacs. Pretty happy that the Walgreen’s Q for the gum rang up correctly! The cashier said they had been having trouble with it.
Just got back from my WAGS where they have the new registers. The cashier has a flat screen tv as the monitor, and the credit card swipper has a small tv so we can see everything ring up. Anyways I got:
6 packs of gum @ $1.49
1 chocolate @.39
Handed over 6 $1 MQ and they scanned perfectly.
Then she scanned the IVC and her computer screen said something like coupon applied but amounts don’t match hand customer back one MQ.
So she hands me back on of my MQ and I owe $1.89 ($1.33 subtotal plus tax .56)
I think the new system recognized that I would have overage so it kicked out my last $1 MQ. Has anyone else encountered this?
can someone help me i’m trying to find the $1/1 coupon ?? ^_^
I did this today and bought two packs and had no problem I have an awesome Walgreens. Thanks for the post I totally forgot about the coupon in the October book.
I was told by a manager the 1/2 coupon for the Up2U in the Oct booklet says that no other coupon can be used.
Tess, the $1/1 is in the smartsource from oct 9th. Mine had 3 coupons for mentos products in a row at the top of the page.
I got this to work yesterday with other items in my order and will be back for more today
I forgot it was $1/2 today and the Walgreens Q just automatically cut it down to .49 cents while my manf Q stayed at $1 off! Pretty easy! Yay free gum!
(So of course I did it again in transaction #2) =)
So since this deal is NOT RR can I do deal more than once /transaction?