Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Printable Coupon for 7 UP Ten!

by Christie- on June 2, 2014

7up Ten new couponWe have a new high value coupon available to print for 7 Up, A&W, Canada Dry, RC or Sunkist Ten products, This coupon is good on either one 12 pk or two 2 liter bottles. I haven’t seen the 12 pks at my store lately, but my store does carry the 7Up Ten and Sunkist 2 liter bottles, and they often go on sale for $1 or so. If your store carries them, be sure to grab this coupon. It prints with an expiration date of 8/31, so we’ll have lots of time to wait for a sale. However, print as soon as possible because this coupon may not last long!

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