Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Updates From the Field 5/30!

by Christie Bisbee on May 30, 2010

Lot’s to share, there are some great little bonuses to be had today! I love it when a GREAT week gets better!

There is an awesome bonus on the U by Kotex products! When you buy them you get a catalina for a different product!
Buy U by Kotex Pads – Get a Cat. for FREE Always Ultra or pads, to 18ct (up to $3.50)
Buy U by Kotex Liners – Get a Cat. for FREE Always Liners, Any (up to $5.00)
Buy U by Kotex Tampons – Get a Cat. for $1.50 on any One Playtex Gentle Glide Product
Isn’t that AWESOME!


You can use the (2) of the $3/1 Nivea Body Wash For Men, Any 16.9 Fl. Oz.- 05-02-10 RP to get the Nivea FREE plus make $1.01 if they are priced at $4.99 like they were at my store!   They are ringing up $4.99 each and then the $4.99 is taken off at the end, so it works! You may want to save your Nivea coupons for the better deal coming up (when they’ll be FREE after RR) but if you need it now this is a GREAT deal too!

2 – Nivea Men’s Bodywash $4.99 Each B1G1
Total = $4.99
2 – $3/1 Nivea Body Wash For Men, Any 16.9 Fl. Oz.- 05-02-10 RP
Total = $1.01 Money Maker!
*Remember to buy with something else to absorb overage!


Here is another SUPER DEAL that I overlooked but bought today, FREE kids Aquafresh! Use a $1/1 Aquafresh Kids coupon from HERE and THEN use the in ad coupon to get FREE Kids Aquafresh, plus a penny! Just remember to buy this with something else to absorb the overage of a $.01.

1 – Aquafresh for Kids $
1 – $1/1 Aquafresh Kid
1- In ad Q for Aquafresh

Total = FREE plus you make a $.01

*Remember to buy with something else to absorb overage!


If you are interested in doing the Biore monthly deal do it today or tomorrow before the coupons expire! You’ll pay $.49 for both products using the B1G1 and the $2/1 Biore!!!

Get $5 RR WYB 2 or more participating Biore products
Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips 8ct ($7.49)
Biore Make Up Removing Towelettes 30ct ($7.49)
Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub 5oz ($7.49)
Biore Steam Activated Cleanser 5oz ($7.49)
Biore Ultra Deep Cleansing Pore Strip 6ct ($7.49)
-Biore Cleanser, Any (1) Free WYB (1) Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips, Any 03-07-10 SS (up to $9) (EXP 5/31)
-$2/1 Biore HERE
-$1/1 Biore HERE

{ 24 comments… read them below or add one }

Tina May 30, 2010 at 12:08 pm

Has anyone done the biore deal? Did the cat print? I’ve had issues with the monthly deals not printing on the first day.


Christie May 30, 2010 at 12:19 pm

I did it this morning and it printed! Just be sure to stick to the items I listed as participating.


Kristi May 30, 2010 at 12:42 pm

I got the same coupons when I bought U today! I thought it was so cool!!!


Beth May 30, 2010 at 2:44 pm

Just went and got 2 Nivea Bodywashes and 2 W foils for $0.76 tax included ($0.17 before tax)! One of my favorite cashiers was working and I have a ton of the $3/1 Nivea coupons so I passed a couple on to her. She was very excited!


Gina May 30, 2010 at 3:52 pm

There is a deal that if you buy four participating hershey products you can get a voucher for a free movie. Just need the proofs fo purchase. Hopefully the the hershey products for sale are part of it.


ALLISON May 30, 2010 at 4:05 pm

There are no more prints for the Biore…bummer


Katie May 30, 2010 at 4:25 pm

Christie, I just have to tell you that this is my favorite regular post of the week! I look for it before I go out shopping every Sunday and if I decide to go out before you have posted it, I look up your site on my phone before I check out just to make sure I’m not missing any deals. It’s a good thing I did today too or I would’ve gotten home and been bummed I missed the neutrogena! So, thank you!! I could never do it all (and wow the cashiers and people in line behind me 🙂 ) without you!


Sunny May 30, 2010 at 4:27 pm

Some of the Ecotrin at some of my stores had $1.50/1 pealies on them! I was happy to find them since I only had two $2 printables, I had given away my four insert Qs, oops! Over my four stores I was able to get a nice stash of Ecotrin & the vitamins to send to my parents (who will share with Grandma.) Thanks for the updates!


Christie May 30, 2010 at 7:34 pm

I’m super excited about the catalinas for the FREE always. That was such an awesome surprise!


susan May 30, 2010 at 10:12 pm

A few weeks ago, I received the Free Always catalina at my local Walgreens. I didn’t buy any feminine protection products when I got it. I think I did a similar transaction at another store, but didn’t get the catalina. I’m happy I was lucky enough to get the catalina for free Always, but have NO idea how I did it! Did anyone else get the catalina a few weeks ago?


Monica Y. May 30, 2010 at 11:09 pm

I got a catalina coupon a couple weeks ago when I bought some kotex U, not sure if it just randomly prints them or what but I’m pretty happy about it. The coupon takes off up to $3.50 for the pads. I’m hanging on to them hoping for a sale???


Julie May 30, 2010 at 11:36 pm

I didnt see the body wash bogo where is it at???


christy May 31, 2010 at 3:09 am



Gina May 31, 2010 at 10:38 am

Christy, although that would be an amazing coupon to have for this deal, the coupon inside the box is for 60ct. or larger. So because the ecotrin that is on sale for $2 get $2RR is 45ct. you cannot use the coupon.


lindsey May 31, 2010 at 12:40 pm

the biore wasnt on sale at the store i went to yesterday… is this regional? I’m going to check another store today.


Christie May 31, 2010 at 12:55 pm

It’s a monthly deal. So it’s regular price but you’ll get a $5 RR WYB (2) of the participating products. The B1G1 coupon expires today!


Kim May 31, 2010 at 1:16 pm

I had to have a breakdown last night at WAGS here in Memphis. I bought Kotex U with a coupon (expiring yesterday), a Luster toothpaste with no coupon, Aspirin with Q, the Tic Tacs – actually your exact scenario because as I had previously posted this was the first time I could! (no big deal before hand I had always just tweaked to fit me)

Horror upon horror – my RR did not print at all. I asked where they were and the woman said RUDELY that RR would not print with coupons. Of course I know all the rules we all use with WAGS. Another woman come up who said she was the manager and she was so awful.

The most annoying part was I had been to that same WAGS the night before and everything went fine. I had even been to a different WAGS that afternoon , but still everything was fine. My mom was with me and she got something a little different and her RR didn’t print either.

Any answers? Anyone else have any problems?????


Christie May 31, 2010 at 1:57 pm

Geez Kim, I’m so sorry you had such a terrible experience! First of all, do you have a different Wags that you can go to? Second did you notice if the machine was working? I can’t tell you how many times I hear all this stupid junk about the RR not printing if you have a coupon and the machine just isn’t turned on, out of paper, out of ink, jammed, etc.

Also, I suggest you look through your inserts and see if you have this ad HERE. You can see Walgreens is advertising, come in use a coupon and get a Register Reward. Not to mention the many times they advertise in the ad “coupons in most sunday papers” for something that has a RR deal. You can see more examples of that HERE.

Oh, if I had the power to rid every Walgreens of clueless staff! Sometimes I feel like it would create enough job openings to bring unemployment down to 0!


lindsey May 31, 2010 at 2:45 pm

re: the biore deal, there was no signage by the biore so I asked the cashier at the makeup counter if she’d check to see if it was ringing up BOGO.. and now i just realized you meant the bogo coupon!!! doh!


Denise May 31, 2010 at 8:12 pm

Thanks for the heads up on the nivea body wash. I bought (6) nivea for men bodywash, (2) 2 count bars dial soap and (1) pack of gum for 26 cents before taxes and $1.81 after taxes.


Lisa June 1, 2010 at 12:43 pm

Christie, Thanks for the heads up on the Catalina coupon. The free Always coupon made this an even better deal. Thanks!


Kim Young June 1, 2010 at 11:24 pm

Tonight I went and bought some U items. Know that if you buy a U item and use one of the free coupons for Always, it will not print your RR for the U. Just a heads up!


Christie June 1, 2010 at 11:41 pm

Thanks Kim – VERY Good to know!


Julie June 7, 2010 at 12:59 am

also the reg body wash is not ringing up 4.99 bogo only the shower shave shampoo at 5.99 is bogo now??? kinda ticked me off about that


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